РІО шампіньйон


Another offer for the Food and Beverage is true and sliced champignons in polypropylene packages with weld. Performance function of a package will be promptly appreciated by the consumer. The expiration date of packages with weight of a mushroom 2 kg or 4 kg is 3 months.


True and sliced champignons prepackaged in polypropylene are irreplaceable in restaurants and cafes. Weight of mushrooms in buskets 3litres and 5 litres is 2 kg and 4 kg accordingly. The expiration date is 1 month.


The new size of true and sliced champignons is a jar for preservations with volume 3 litres. Weight of mushrooms in the jar is 1,8 kg. The expiration date is 2 years.


A can with volume 3000 ml is a popular package for true and sliced champignons. The expiration date is 1 year. Weight of mushrooms is 1,8 kg.

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