РІО шампіньйон


Currently 12 rooms are involved in technological process of production; it’s more than 6 thousand square meters of useful area of cultivation. Highly skilled engineers monitor all stages of growth; control of climatic parameters is carried out using the latest equipment.

Each stage requires its technological and environmental requirements, which are correct lay of compost in rooms, bringing on roofing mixture, watering and cooling. Proper selective mushroom collection and compliance with all hygiene requirements also plays an important role. Under these conditions, we are able to collect three waves in full range.

Severe permanent control of all these processes provides maximum results, i.e. more than 80 tones of fresh mushrooms of the highest quality per month.

The process of growing mushrooms in each room from lay of compost till its unloading lasts for 56 days.
At the end of the cycle of growing, that is last mushroom gathering, each room is being carefully heat treated. Steaming process is carried out at high temperature (more than 70*C for 10 hours), ensuring complete disinfection of growing room without adding any chemicals.

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Competition recipes

The first, second and third places will be announced every month and the winners will be awarded with gifts according to the rules of this contest. The list of the gifts you may see here.